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Greve du Nord, Granville, basking in sunshineEnfin! Two days in a row with full sunshine. After a truly rotten Spring, Granville is finally feeling like a real holiday resort once again. Only two days ago, people were scurrying around in coats.wrapped up warm against the chilly north-westerlies.

The unpredictable weather is a real problem for towns like Granville that depend so much on tourist income to keep their economies afloat. Although the recession is just starting to bite in France there are already empty shops cropping up here and there and a sense that people are already changing their spending habits. Whether this will impact on my language courses, I cannot tell. The good news is that finally I’m getting registered to deliver professional training (which can be reimbursed here) so more opportunities ahead! That is if the French Government don’t go ahead with proposals to limit my earnings to 19,000 € (Yes, my US readers, you heard it correctly). I can’t think of a better way to stifle growth than stopping small businesses from developing.

Still, the sun is shining…